
Please contact our home office or dedicated support team

Remote Assistance

Some problems can not be diagnosed quickly enough by telephone or by e-mail and can not wait for the local representative's next visit. For those situations, with your cooperation, we can within minutes gain remote access to your imaging computer. That access lets us see on our computer’s display what you see on the display of your imaging computer, and lets us use our keyboard and mouse to share control of your imaging computer with you.

Simple set-up for remote assistance

We use services from TeamViewer GmbH to gain remote access to your imaging computer. These services operate by connecting your imaging computer and our support computer to an intermediary computer run by TeamViewer. This means that your computer need only have access to the World-Wide Web and current anti-virus software. No adjustments to local firewalls are needed.

Using Remote Assistance

Contact BioVision Technologies to set up an appointment.

Log in to your computer. If we need to install imaging-related software, you will need to log in with full Adminstrator rights to the computer.

Download one of the following:

Launch TeamViewer QuickSupport just before we are to share control of your computer with you.

When we are in contact with you, provide us with your ID as given by the opening screen of TeamViewer QuickSupport.

Provide us with the password generated by TeamViewer QuickSupport.

Audio Chat During Remote Assistance

We shall need to talk with you during remote assistance, using one of the following schemes:

  • We can use TeamViewer if your imaging computer includes a Webcam or a headset of the sort used for Skype.
  • We can use Skype or Apple FaceTime if you can run one of those on a tablet, on a smartphone, or on another computer that is equipped with Webcam or headset.
  • We can use the telephone if your telephone is within reach of the keyboard of the imaging computer.

For efficiency’s sake, the device you use to talk with us must be within reach of the keyboard of the imaging computer.


Temporarily unavailable for public use. Please contact us for a direct link.